My name is kevin theVisionary




Welcome! I am the CEO of Wellness By TheVisionary. I assist individuals recover from a plant based diet. In the process you will improve gut health, blood circulation and much more. This is done by improving nutrient deficiency in the body. I had no intentions of starting this company or becoming a wellness consultant. My story on health, began when a series of illnesses had me looking for answers. The laundry list of things plaguing me were, arthritis in my shoulder, erectile dysfunction, urinating large amounts of blood, brain fog, dizziness to name a few. Initially answers came in the form of a plant- based diet. Although many of the issues went away, I developed new ones, such as poor mental clarity and brain function; low energy, very dry and flaky scalp, low semen output, to name a few. After a few years on a plant- based diet I was introduced to the information I am sharing in this book. This was a game changer and it will be for you. My issues went away. Now I am dedicating time and effort to helping change the lives of others.

My Health Journey

Welcome! I am the CEO of Wellness By TheVisionary. I assist individuals recover from a plant based diet. In the process you will improve gut health, blood circulation and much more. This is done by improving nutrient deficiency in the body. I had no intentions of starting this company or becoming a wellness consultant. My story on health, began when a series of illnesses had me looking for answers. The laundry list of things plaguing me were, arthritis in my shoulder, erectile dysfunction, urinating large amounts of blood, brain fog, dizziness to name a few. Initially answers came in the form of a plant- based diet.

Although many of the issues went away, I developed new ones, such as poor mental clarity and brain function; low energy, very dry and flaky scalp, low semen output, to name a few. After a few years on a plant- based diet I was introduced to the information I am sharing in this book. This was a game changer and it will be for you. My issues went away. Now I am dedicating time and effort to helping change the lives of others. I am so glad I got my health back and you can too.

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